What is EPS?
The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) sends electronic prescriptions from GP practices and other primary care settings, with the idea is that eventually EPS will remove the need for most paper prescriptions. This is designed to make the prescribing and dispensing process more efficient and convenient for patients and staff.
In order to enable EPS your organisation must fall into one of the approved care settings issuing FP10 prescriptions for dispensing by community and have an approved prescribing system such as EMIS, SystemOne, Vision or Microtest in place.
GP practices are an example a of primary care settings who can use EPS.
PSUK Connect offers nomination to your dispensary, enabling you to protect your script volume, with the emphasis on you as the first choice. This allows you to better retain nominated prescription volumes and claim for all EPS R2 prescriptions electronically. The prescriptions are sent electronically from your system to the patients chosen pharmacy, meaning a paper version of prescription isn’t needed.
PSUK Connect is the only EPS compliant system in the market for dispensing doctors and will enable dispensing practices to benefit from efficiencies as a result of EPS.
Benefits of EPS
- Prescribers can process prescriptions more efficiently and spend less time dealing with prescription queries.
- Dispensers can reduce use of paper, have improved stock control, and provide a more efficient service to patients and patients can collect repeat prescriptions from a pharmacy without visiting their GP, and won't have a paper prescription to lose.
- Prescribers can sign individual or multiple prescriptions electronically.
- No need to fax/post prescriptions, saving time and removing the risk of prescriptions getting lost in the post.
- Your patients will also benefit from the ease that automatic and advance transmission of repeat prescriptions allow.
- Reduce the risk of duplicate prescriptions being created.
- Prescriptions can be cancelled at any time until they have been dispensed, and replacements can be sent electronically.
Figures published by NHS Digital, show administrative benefits to dispensers and prescribers who use EPS.
Get in touch with your Dispensing Doctor Account Manager to find out more!