Unlocking product availability with APM Keys.

You may have noticed the term ‘KEYS’ when you place an order on the PSUK Portal, but do you know what it actually means for you?

All PSUK members get access to our ‘Keys’ generics. This isn’t a brand of generics, but stock that we buy in specifically for our key customers each month, such as PSUK members. These generics can only be accessed by a finite group of customers meaning PSUK members are protected from short term availability issues and enables us to deliver market leading generic availability to our members.

This ensures that PSUK members will be able to supply their patients with the generics that they need, and reduce any time spent trying to source out of stock products.

What are the benefits of KEYS?
• Availability
• Time saving – limits time chasing out of stocks
• Generics out of stocks minimised
• Reduce the risk of not being able to fulfil patient scripts
• 98% availability rate of fulfilled orders
• Your stock is protected

As such we want to support your practice by ensuring you have access to our ‘KEYS’ generic stock, that is only available to our VIP customers. Access to this product makes sure that your business is protected from any market activity that may cause short term availability issues, meaning you can always fulfil your patient’s prescriptions.

The APM pricing is continuously monitored to make sure that you are receiving the most competitive pricing across your basket.

Over Tariff Review – coming soon
We are always looking to evolve and develop our proposition to drive benefit and value to our members, and with the increasing number of products on concession and the risk of over tariff products we are looking to introduce the ability to receive notification, or block an order for any product that is over tariff.

Look out for more information on this over the coming months. For more information on KEYS speak to your Dispensing Doctor Account Manager today.