Tunbridge Wells - Practical Guidance on Controlled Drugs

Non members: £99.00 + VAT
The Spa Hotel
Langton Road
Tunbridge Wells

Book a place on this session now

To book this event please email events@psuk.co.uk.


We are pleased to confirm the following PSUK study day:

Subject:              Practical Guidance on Controlled Drugs and Handling Monitored Dosage Systems

Speaker:             Caroline Pond

CPD:                    3 hours

Lunch:                 From 12:00       

Start:                   13:00

Break                  14:30

Close:                  16:00

Practical Guidance on Controlled Drugs by Caroline Pond

This is an informative and interactive training session which looks to examine dispensary practices & behaviours and to offer advice on how best to improve the accuracy in the dispensing process. It will highlight how to best handle those near misses and significant events through effective use of SOPs. The session will also cover the dispensing of Monitored Dosage Systems in Dispensing Practice, as well as offer advice on handling Controlled Drugs. 

This session is best suited for anyone involved in the dispensing of medicines in a dispensing practice and GPs who want to know more about initiating and safely dispensing MDS/CDs.